TRX Bodyscuplt Yoga





Beginner Friendly:

Has a ladies only option?
A fusion of yoga and TRX suspension creates a practice focusing on strength while improving balance, stability, and flexibility.
In regular practice, we do not engage both sides of our body equally, but the TRX straps challenge a balanced engagement of the core, as the straps allow for movement despite the support they provide.

Who should join this class?
Those seeking to accelerate their strength and stamina but still want the creativity we offer in our hatha vinyasa classes.

What to expect
A unique blend of yoga and TRX, where we still create a flow and use yoga’s breathing principles during movements.
This is a higher-intensity workout than our standard classes. It stretches joints that are hard to stretch otherwise and works muscles that take time to tone in vinyasa.
Most of our guests feel the impact of these sessions the following day.

With the TRX we can help you extend your joints safely, yet more fully. For example, many of our office goers are surprised by how locked up their shoulders are.

While it is not the focus of the class, the suspension equipment still enhances flexibility in ways hard to achieve traditionally.

Supporting parts of the body, the asanas are modified to challenge new muscles. The straps also slip slightly, and forces the body to balance in suspended plank.